I do a lot of quilting and blog about it over at
http://luannsloosethreads.blogspot.com. I attended a quilt retreat the week before Thanksgiving, and since I came back all I've wanted to do is knit or crochet. I can't quite figure that one out either!
I know this blog is called Easy Crochet, but I also post easy knitting projects here, I have crocheted for 40 years or more, but I've only been knitting for 15 years or maybe a bit more. Most everything I knit is pretty easy and enjoyable so I go ahead and post the knit things, too, because most crocheters have tried some knitting at one time or other.
Here are the scarves, cowls and ponchos that I've made (except for the blue ruffle) since Thanksgiving.
The first one is an easy knit Drop Stitch Scarf. I just made this one up. I will write a tutorial if anyone is interested. This one is knit with chunky yarn, and I was able to finish it in just a few hours.
It was cold when I marched in the Veteran's Day Parade with the Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and I wanted to be sure I had a Patriotic scarf to wear in next year's parade.
That's me second from the right with no scarf.......
The pattern for this one is in The Knit Experience-The Knit Stitch book by Sally Melville. It's called:
Shape It! Scarf. This is easy knitting...no purl stitches.
This is a free Koigu Ruffle Scarf pattern that takes 2 skeins of Koigu yarn. It can also be made from any sock weight yarn that totals about 350 yards.
This Cowl was a mystery knit along that I just finished. It is supposed to be a poncho. The pattern is by Laura Aylor called Outlier and can be found on Ravelry. She emailed us a clue each night for the eight nights before Christmas Eve as a present and for us to take some time for ourselves during the busy holiday season. It was just a pleasant hour's worth of knitting to relax at the end of the day.
The cowl can also be worn with the point in front, at the side or in the back. Her pattern calls for a chunky yarn and size 13 needles. I opted for a yarn that used size 10 1/2 needles and ended up with a cowl that was smaller instead of a poncho.
Here is my second try with chunky yarn and size 13 needles. This is the full sized poncho.
I am a sock knitter wannabe. You can see by the photo that the only thing about these two socks that match is the yarn. I did one sock a few years ago and just finished the second one. There was no pattern included in the bag with the sock and yarn, so I made a guess as to which one I'd used. Right now I don't enjoy knitting socks, but I love wearing them.

Also.......I've had a few questions on different tutorials that I've posted in the past. Many of the emails I receive are from people that have their settings as "no reply bloggers" or "anonymous". That means that whenever I hit the reply button, my email won't get to you. I'm going to go back through some of the last few emails I've received and answer those on the blog post in the comment section where the question was asked. My daughter thinks that would not only be helpful to the person that asked the questions but would help the people that find my tutorials from a Google search. After thinking about it, if I'm searching for a technique I will read the comments a lot of times. So I'll get busy working on that.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit.
I hope you are finding some time to stitch today.