Sunday, November 4, 2012

Shell Afghan: A New Project Started

I was searching for a pattern in my notebooks the other day, when I came across an old pattern from 1995 simply called:  Shell Afghan.  My friend Carol and I used to get together as often as we could and put on a pot of flavored coffee and pull out our yarn and crochet hooks and talk the days and nights away while we crocheted.

This shell pattern was in my notebook in Carol's handwriting.  It really is easy, and I was in the mood to start something new so I decided on this shell afghan after I found the pattern.

I'm trying to grade the colors in the afghan with the yarn that I have.

You can see that the shell pattern is easy to do.  It's 5 double crochets and then a single crochet.

I'll do a sample piece and write up the pattern in my next post.  
Thanks for stopping by for a visit!