Monday, August 22, 2011

Granny Square Afghan Tutorial

I've been working on the Giant Granny Square Crochet Along over at Sucrette's blog, I thought I would do a tutorial on how to make a granny square.  Here is my progress so far - 50 rounds. 

One thing to remember:  When you are doing a granny square you need to turn your work and do every other round on the back side.   If you do every round on the right side the square eventually becomes kind of "wonky" and looks like it is in a twist.

CH = chain
DC=double crochet
DC Cluster=3 double crochets together

Chain 4.  Slip stitch in first stitch to form a ring.

Still on the right side of the work chain 3 (this counts as your first double crochet this round and throughout).  Do 2 more double crochets in ring.  Chain 1.  Repeat 3 DCs, chain 1 in ring three more times   (you will have 4 DC clusters in the ring with a chain 1 in between).  Join round with slip stitch.

  (From now on you are going to be working in the spaces between the clusters.)  Chain 3. TURN work over, 2 DC, chain 1, 3 DC in space. *Chain 1.  3 DC, chain 1, 3DC *  Repeat around ending with a chain 1.  Join round with slip stitch. 

Chain 3, TURN work.  2 DC in space.  3 DC, ch 1, 3 DC on corner.  Chain 1, 3 DC in space.  On the corner 3 DC, chain 1, 3 DC.  Continue around until you are back at the beginning and join the round with a slip stitch.

Each round is the same:  A DC cluster in the spaces along the edges and DC Cluster, chain 1, DC cluster on the corners.  A chain 1 goes in between each cluster.

Here is a chart that shows the stitches.
A close up of my granny blanket. 

I hope this has helped.  I think crochet is really relaxing and enjoy working on it in the evenings. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

Thanks for stopping by for a visit today. 


  1. Hi LuAnn!!!
    The blankests are so, so pretty...
    Thank for the tutorial!!!

  2. Gorgeous! Great explanation--very clear & easy 2 understand.
    One question: how do we change colors?
    Thank u 4 great tute.

  3. I know how to make these but so much time goes between that I need a refresher from time to time. Thank you for simple, concise directions! The one you pictured on here is lovely!!

  4. Thank you bunches for the help and advice. Ididn't know about turning and working on opposite side to prevent "wonkiness" (new word LOL.

  5. Thanks so much for the tip to prevent the twisting. I am halfway thru my first crochet granny afghan, and thought I did something wrong with my tension. I will start working on back side so it doesn't get worse!

  6. There is a way to work without turn your work every round. I have made a lot of these and have never turned my work and it turns out gorgeous each time. When I join my round,I slip stitch in the ch 3 then also slip stitch in the top of the other 2 double crochet in the corner of the square then slip into the corner and ch 3 and proceed with my corner stitches from there. Looks great and there's a clear different between right side and wrong side :)

  7. There is a way to work without turn your work every round. I have made a lot of these and have never turned my work and it turns out gorgeous each time. When I join my round,I slip stitch in the ch 3 then also slip stitch in the top of the other 2 double crochet in the corner of the square then slip into the corner and ch 3 and proceed with my corner stitches from there. Looks great and there's a clear different between right side and wrong side :)
