Thursday, October 27, 2011

Crocheted Granny Stripe Afghan

This is the Granny Stripe Afghan that I'm working on as part of the Granny Gone Wild Crochet Along.  Is anyone crocheting along with me???

There is a link to my tutorial for this afghan over on my sidebar.  For this afghan my beginning chain is 237.  The beginning chain needs to be a multiple of 3.  It will go across my king sized bed with a bit of hang on each side.

I am using 18 different colors of yarn (so far), and I've started to repeat them.   I'm not sure how long the afghan will finish.  I love scrap afghans and quilts, but it's hard to gauge the finished size.  So I may have to raid my stash for a few more balls of yarn.

Here is a close up of the colors.  I really love this pattern and how this is looking. 
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If you are crocheting along with our Granny Gone Wild crochet along, I hope you will post your photos on the Flickr group here

Happy Crocheting! 

Thanks for stopping by for a visit! 


  1. I think this is simply gorgeous! Love the colors! :)

  2. I have just started to use the granny stripe stitch and love it my inspiration is to make a blanket of many colours too. At the moment making baby blanket in granny stripes in two colours for a baby due in February and just finished a baby cocoon in 2 colours for a friend's baby due in April. Itching to make a blanket of many colours.
